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Inventory item will go negative

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Posted on by 35

When attempting to create a debit memo for an item, quantity of 8, I keep getting an error message, "Inventory item will go negative. Do you want to make changes? …"

Inventory available: 11, On hand: 34, on Sales orders: 23

Plenty available, why do I keep getting the error? What needs to be done to make this go away?


  • Suggested answer
    Mark E Profile Picture
    Mark E 6,405 on at
    RE: Inventory item will go negative

    The OM Integrity Check to Rebuild Inventory Plan (especially for particular InvtID/SiteID combination) are quite harmless, and indeed necessary at certain times.  It performs a rebuild of the SOPlan table, and sometimes resolves some issues that can be linked to your message (like incorrect Bin Qtys).  There are multiple reasons for the Item will go negative issue, and the majority (I have found) are linked to Bin Qty issues.  Even though the Site may have correct Qtys, Bin Qtys may be incorrect (or you are simply using a Bin with a true shortage).

    I would agree to avoid most of the IN Integrity Checks for rebuilds of Item History, Quantities & Costs unless you really are looking to solve a specific issue related to ItemSite, ItemHist, Item2Hist, etc.  I have needed to do this on very rare occasions, but with a very specific requirement.  Sometimes the IN Rebuild On Order Qtys have value, but again rarely (in my experience).

  • Pat883HD Profile Picture
    Pat883HD 35 on at
    RE: Inventory item will go negative

    As far as my DB guy is concerned, OM integrity check is not an option. I believe due to the potential disruption that may cause...but I am totally unfamiliar with that process.

  • Pat883HD Profile Picture
    Pat883HD 35 on at
    RE: Inventory item will go negative

    My apologies. I forgot about the post. Not sure if it cleared itself or if my DB guy had to make changes behind the scenes, which seems to a common occurrence since we recently upgraded to SL 2018

    Should I have this issue again, I will repost. Thanks.

  • momozazat Profile Picture
    momozazat 20 on at
    RE: Inventory item will go negative

    have you tried OM integrity check?

  • CFROTON Profile Picture
    CFROTON 4,710 on at
    RE: Inventory item will go negative

    Hello Pat

    Can you tell me what version you are on with SL?

    What screen are you in when you get the error?

    What is the exact error message that goes along with the error?

    Best Regards,

    Jana MacDonald

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