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How can I get the links of Documents in SharePoint into the CRM with Power Automate?

Posted on by 146


I have a SharePoint Site called 'Business Development Library', and inside it we have a List called 'Documents Map' that contains documents.

In my CRM, I have a small section/window [Documents Compiler] that actually contains a Canvas Power App, connected to the 'Documents Map'. The user, while filling information, can select the category of documents he wants to select from. Ex: QA/QC Documents, HSE Documents, etc... Please refer to the image below:


When the user chooses a category, in my example 'Finance', he sees the Finance documents as shown below:


My goal is to select the documents that I want, and create links for them in the CRM. I would really appreciate any ideas on how to achieve that since I've been trying to no avail, and if I should use the Documents section under Related in the CRM. Thank you in advance!

  • Suggested answer
    PabloCRP Profile Picture
    PabloCRP 1,086 on at
    RE: How can I get the links of Documents in SharePoint into the CRM with Power Automate?

    Hi Joseph Nasr, 

    You could use the Dynamics OOB Sharepoint Documents Integration.

    However this is more related to Power Canvas Apps development,  working with canvas app there is a function call Launch("") and it needs a parameter that acctually is the file's URL, you could generate that URL in your canvas app or using the Sharepoint Connector or with a Power Automate Flow. this PowerApps Launch a SharePoint link might also help.


    If it was helpful please consider mark it as verified answer

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