How do you actually design a Form Template in the new Real-Time Marketing module? Am I missing something? This is all I see when creating a new Form Template or editing a default one.
The custom templates for real-time journeys Forms are in the backlog. The suggested workaround is to use the "Save As" feature as it was mentioned in the previous comments.
The out-of-the-box templates are locked for editing as they are frequently updated to reflect CSS updates and consent improvements. This is important to keep the OOTB templates compatible with the newly released features.
Hi Stephen.
I have the same issue, seems MS hasn't released Form templates yet.
I just create 3-4 main form types and used the "Save As" for the moment.
Same as you, whether it's a new or editing an existing form template, it will only show these two fields, the rest is blank
My version:
Just a reasonable guess: Microsoft doesn't yet have support for form template editing.
This is because we are currently unable to find "Form Templates" in the sitemap for this application, and no any related documentation about it.
I hope you canmark my answerverifiedif it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Leah
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