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how to fetch record correctly from a temporary table based on report parameter/ Container

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I have a temporary table in which I am entering data at two different periods, which is working fine. My third table is the calculation based on the two data table of those two periods, I am also using another temporary table for the third table. I have passed the required report parameter and the first temporary table in a method call for this. 

public void comparsionTableMthod(ItemId itemidCode, ItemGroupId itemGroup, TPO_ComparisionReprtTemp temp)
        container storageItem ;
        storageItem= conNull();
        storageItem= str2con(itemidCode);
        int i;

        ItemId _itemidCodeThird;
        ItemGroupId _itemGroup;

            for(i=1;i<=conLen(storageItem);i  ) 
                while select ComparisionMonth,ItemId,sum(Qty),sum(Value), sum(QtyTwo),sum(ValueTwo) from temp
                group by ComparisionMonth,  ItemId  where temp.ItemId== conPeek(storageItem,i)

The report parameter is multiselect report  parameter, The problem I am facing here is, the while select is only working for the first item in the container/passed parameter, it selects all the record correctly for the first item, when I assigned hardcoded value, then it is also working for any hard coded itemId,   But I need in a generalize way, so it would be helpful if anyone here can suggest me how to approach it.

  • Apratim Profile Picture
    Apratim 149 on at
    RE: how to fetch record correctly from a temporary table based on report parameter/ Container

    Thanks a lot Martin.

  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,379 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: how to fetch record correctly from a temporary table based on report parameter/ Container

    All right, so the data type and name of the first parameter is misleading. Let me continue with my code, because you've just resend your original code without my fixes. We we'll have this:

    public void comparsionTableMethod(str _itemIdList, ItemGroupId _itemGroup, TPO_ComparisionReprtTemp _temp)
    	if (!_itemIdList)
    	container itemIdContainer = str2con(_itemIdList);
    	for (int i = 1; i <= conLen(itemIdContainer); i  ) 
    		while select ComparisionMonth, ItemId, sum(Qty), sum(Value), sum(QtyTwo), sum(ValueTwo) from _temp
    			group by ComparisionMonth, ItemId
    			where _temp.ItemId == conPeek(itemIdContainer, i)

    It'll be benefitial to change it a bit and add information useful for debugging:

    public void comparsionTableMethod(str _itemIdList, ItemGroupId _itemGroup, TPO_ComparisionReprtTemp _temp)
    	if (!_itemIdList)
    	container itemIdContainer = str2con(_itemIdList);
    	for (int i = 1; i <= conLen(itemIdContainer); i  ) 
    		ItemId itemId = conPeek(itemIdContainer, i);
    		info(InventTable::exist(itemId) ? "Valid item" : "Invalid item";
    		select firstOnly RecId from _temp
    			where _temp.ItemId == itemId;
    		info(_temp.RecId ? "Exists in _temp" : "Not in _temp");

    Please run it with your input and tell us what result you got.

  • Apratim Profile Picture
    Apratim 149 on at
    RE: how to fetch record correctly from a temporary table based on report parameter/ Container

    Hi Martin. 

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am resending my code snippet again. Since you asked, I am getting comma separated list of  itemids in , ItemidCode. I both type, str /Edt  ItemId, I m getting comma separated list of itemId.

    public void comparsionTableMthod(ItemId itemidCode, ItemGroupId itemGroup, TM_ComparisionReprtTemp temp)
            container storageItem ;
            storageItem= conNull();
            storageItem= str2con(itemidCode);
            int i;
        //    ItemId _itemidCodeThird;
        //    ItemGroupId _itemGroup;
                for(i=1;i<=conLen(storageItem);i  )
                 //   _itemidCodeThird= conPeek(storageItem,i);
                    while select ComparisionMonth,ItemId,sum(Qty),sum(Value), sum(QtyTwo),sum(ValueTwo) from temp
                    group by ComparisionMonth,  ItemId  where temp.ItemId==conPeek(storageItem,i)
                    calculationTable.ItemIdThird              = temp.ItemId;
                      calculationTable.QtyThird= (temp.QtyTwo-temp.Qty)/temp.Qty;


  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,379 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: how to fetch record correctly from a temporary table based on report parameter/ Container

    First of all, let me simplify your code, especially by throwing away all the things that aren't used or meaningful:

    public void comparsionTableMthod(ItemId _itemId, ItemGroupId _itemGroup, TPO_ComparisionReprtTemp _temp)
    	if (!_itemId)
    	container storageItem = str2con(_itemId);
    	// Note that you're wrong if you expect this to delete records from calculationTable
    	for (int i = 1; i <= conLen(storageItem); i  ) 
    		while select ComparisionMonth, ItemId, sum(Qty), sum(Value), sum(QtyTwo), sum(ValueTwo) from _temp
    			group by ComparisionMonth, ItemId
    			where _temp.ItemId == conPeek(storageItem, i)

    What exactly do you get in the _itemId parameter? The type is ItemId, therefore it should be a single item ID, while your code assumes that it's actually a list of item IDs that can be parsed to a container. One of these things is wrong.

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