RE: AP Check cleared in Bank but not in GL
Hello Rosemany,
I understand that you have 6 checks from a few months ago that have cleared the bank, but you are not finding the GL entry to the A/P and cash accounts in GL at all. You ran check links and reconcile.
1. First, focus on one check only to research.
2. Go into Payables inquiry and drill into the distribution records to verify it hit the right GL cash account that you are looking for it in.
3. Next find the check in the checkbook register and find the audit trail code for that check. (Or you can find it in SQL with this script:)
select AUDITTRAIL, CHEKBKID, * from CM20200 where CMTrxNum like '%xxx'
--enter your check number with or without the leading zeroes if you have leading zeroes
4. Now you can search in SQL for that audit trail code to see if it exist in GL. Search both the open and historical GL tables. If you find it, review the Transaction date and account index used. (You can look up the JE# in the front-end). If you don't find it, then it never made it to GL, and you can go to Transactions | Financial | General and key the journal entry needed and post it. Make sure you use the correct transaction and posting dates and those fiscal periods are open to post to.
select * from GL20000 where ORTRXSRC = 'PMPAY00000XXX'
select * from GL30000 where ORTRXSRC = 'PMPAY00000XXX'
--enter the audit trail number found in step 3 in for the placeholder in both scripts above.
I hope that helps you to search on the transaction source number to verify if the JE does exist in GL or not. If not, just hand-key a journal entry in GL to the AP and cash account for that date as needed.
Cheryl Waswick
Microsoft Dynamics GP Support