Hi everyone,
Eventhough this has already a solution, i would like to share it here. If there are other comments for this, you are welcome to write here.
The error is that a P-Job does not run and throws the following exception in the Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Services.
2013.11.12 10:25:13:510 (8608) [1] CCommMgr::HandleException: Target request handler failed to process target request header: Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.StoreConnect.Request.AXHandler.SCAXRequestHandlerException: AX target request handler failed to process request: AX Managed Interop failure. ---> Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop.ErrorException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop.ErrorException' was thrown.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop.Object.CallWithReturnType(String methodName, Type returnType, Object[] paramList)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ManagedInterop.Object.Call(String methodName)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.StoreConnect.Request.AXHandler.SCAXTargetRequestHandler.ProcessTargetRequestHeader(ISCTargetRequestHeader targetRequestHeader)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.StoreConnect.Request.AXHandler.SCAXTargetRequestHandler.ProcessTargetRequestHeader(ISCTargetRequestHeader targetRequestHeader)
at CCommMgr.ProcessTargetRequest(CCommMgr* , basic_string<wchar_t\,std::char_traits<wchar_t>\,std::allocator<wchar_t> >* r_file_path, SCComponentManager scComponentManager)
The error doesn't show an error regarding a defintion of a column in a table, like other errors.
The reason at the end was that the POS Database had Transactions from a Store - company that didn't exist. So after cleaning transactions that do not exists from transaction tables the P-Job run.
Tables that were cleaned. Not completely delete.. just transactions that should not exists. Retailtransactiontaxtrans, retailtransactionTable, Retailtransactiontenderdeclarationtrans, retailtransactionsalestrans, retailtransactionpaymenttrans, retailtransactioninfocodetrans, retailposbatchtendertrans, retailposbatchtable
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