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Business Central forum

Trackingnumber to long

Posted on by 10
I'm currently developing a plugin for transport booking systems and a strange problem came up.
The tracking number (for tracking link) I get when I create a shipment booking is 40 characters long, however business central can only handle 30 characters.
Does anyone have a tip on how we could get around this problem?
Thanks in advance!
  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 64,563 Super User on at
    Trackingnumber to long
    Since the standard field length cannot be modified, this unfortunately cannot be solved.
    You can generate a tracking number for BC and then create a new field to hold your value (40 characters long).
    PS: Missing a feature? Post or vote for ideas on:
    Hope this can give you some hints.

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