In the main model we have a Dialog form. I need to do a customization which adds fields to this Dialog form and return them to the main model. I have the new fields in an extension of the main model's Dialog form.
My question is: I have put an event handler on the OK button but I am unable to reference the object from the main model's OK script.
Below is the call to open the Dialog form. On the click of the Ok button I need the customization to update the overrideParameters object.
Args args = new Args(formStr(TemplatesSelectionObject)); args.parmObject(overrideParameters); FormRun formRun = classFactory.formRunClass(args); formRun.init();; formRun.wait(); formRun.detach();
The Ok button main model's click control:
Args args = element.args(); OverrideParametersClass overrideParameters = args.parmObject(); // set the overrideParameters variable.
Customization has the event handler on the Ok button click. It's called but I was hoping / expecting to be able to do something like mainModelForm::overrideParameters.newAttribute = 'data';
Any suggestions or links will be greatly appreciated.