I have added some custom event registration fields to an event I have made in MDM however when people fill in this form, their contacts are not being updated correctly.
I made a 'phone number', 'company name' and 'job role' field, could someone please help me with getting these correctly mapped so that they update the contact form.
I agree with you that in case if you have more than one response "Custom Registration Fields", this workflow will bring on value only into all the other fields
For example I did this workflow twice one for the "Job Title" and other one for "Attending Type", when both ran in new registration it brings only the job title output out of both workflows
Hi @clofly mao
Thank you very much for the great input. I did follow your steps and its working. Do you have idea how i can do this with multiple custom fields(example job title and company name/organization)
As a part of our 2020 Release Wave 1 functionality, we're bringing the ability to use Marketing forms for event registrations - for simple events (free, single registration at a time). We made the announcement here - docs.microsoft.com/.../improved-event-management-experience
In using a marketing form, you can use fields from your contact, lead, and event registration entity (as well as custom questions) - on your forms - and it will map automatically to the right entity (and so update the right field on the contact/lead/event registration).
Hope this helps,
PM, D365 Marketing
Great idea of a work around from cloflyMao but I would suggest as this is a background workflow type job to instead use Power Automate for this. Happy to help out with building this flow if you need some guidance please give me a shout!
Hi jonrisual,
Could my answer solve your problem? :)
Hi jonrisual,
Custom registration fields data will be saved in Registration responses entity record.
For example, I created a custom field called "Promo code", then a registration response record will be created to save submitted answer from contact.
As some people have asked same requirement as yours and from my exploration on event portal,
currently firstname, lastname and email fields are only supported fields for contact during event registration,
we couldn't add add custom input fileds and map them to contact corresponding fields.
With a technical explanation, these fields are restricted in current Event API design, other not supported fields will be ignored.
(Feature that customization for mapping more fields to contact might come up in future version)
However, due to each registration response record will bind to one event registration record,
and a event registration record will bind to one contact record,
so you could create an on-demand or automatical workflow based on registration response entity,
then update contact's field via relationship: registration response -> event registration -> contact.
For example, I update promo code value in registration response to related contact's jobtitle field:
1. Create a workflow: Update related contact's field
2. Create an action: Update contact field which is based on contact entity to update contact field, because we could only update directly related entity in workflow.
find input text in Local value:
set field value:
Save and active the action.
3. Back to Update related contact's field workflow again, find our previous created action
In Properties dialog, set
PromoCode(Input text) to registration response's response value(answer in custom field) directly.
Target(contact) to related event registration's contact field.
4. Run the workflow on registration response:
5. The value in response field will be passed via the relationship chain that I mentioned previously.
6. You can open the workflow process session to see whether operation has been executed successfully or there was any reason for being stuck.
In addition, by default registration response entity is not visible in site map(left navigation menu), you could view all records by method below:
When you're viewing list records of any entity, then change etn to msevtmgt_registrationresponse in URL:
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