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Printing Cash Receipt Before Posting Causes CC ID Field to Populate with Standard Checking

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If we print a cash receipt before posting the payment, the transaction causes the credit card ID field to populate with "standard checking" and then it doesn't appear as a deposit.  It does go to the GL and the check register without showing as a deposit.  This causes the cash box to be over.

Is there another was to process this or provide a receipt to the customer at time of payment?

  • bestnana Profile Picture
    bestnana 5 on at
    RE: Printing Cash Receipt Before Posting Causes CC ID Field to Populate with Standard Checking

    As noted in my original post, the issue is when we accept a cash payment from a customer for a sales order.  At that time we accept the cash, we have been entering this on the Cash Receipts Entry window.  Then we want to provide the customer with a receipt to show they have given us some money.  We don't have any third party stuff installed.  If we try to print from this screen we get the Cash Receipts Edit List and it doesn't show as a deposit.  If we post the individual transaction the information goes away, so we still have nothing to give the customer.  So the original question was "Is there a way to provide the customer a receipt in this situation?"  I think the answer is to receive the payment on the Sales Transaction Entry screen, but we haven't tried that yet.  Thanks for your help.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Printing Cash Receipt Before Posting Causes CC ID Field to Populate with Standard Checking

    The Print button in the Cash receipts window only prints a 'cash receipt edit list'.   Is this what you are printing for a receipt, or do you have a 3rd party installed to print an 'actual receipt' for the customer?  I printed the edit list on both a 'check' and a 'cash' type cash receipt and in both cases, the Credit Card ID field was not populated.

    Cheryl W.

    Microsoft GP Support

  • bestnana Profile Picture
    bestnana 5 on at
    RE: Printing Cash Receipt Before Posting Causes CC ID Field to Populate with Standard Checking

    The problem occurs when the sales staff takes a payment from a customer and manually enters it into the Cash Receipts Entry window for items on order.  There is no invoice to print at that time to give the customer, so they try to print from the print icon on this screen without posting.  This is when the problem occurs with the Check Book/GL noted in my original post.  If they post the transaction, there is no way to print a receipt for the customer that I am aware of.  I couldn't find any answers for this issue in my research, so I appreciate any assistance you can provide.

  • Suggested answer
    Shannon Aune Profile Picture
    Shannon Aune on at
    RE: Printing Cash Receipt Before Posting Causes CC ID Field to Populate with Standard Checking

    I am not able to recreate the issue in my testing given the brief information that you provided. Are these cash receipts entered manually in GP or are they brought in from an integration? If manually entered can you provide steps that you are taking to recreate the issue, is it occurring just when you try to print from the Cash Receipt Entry window? I can test it further if you can provide some steps that you are taking to recreate the issue.

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