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Field service sample workflow

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I am new on Field service and try to make usable that solution for me and my team but no way to go straight forward with anything I try.

It is any sample data where I can see some standard and normal functionality for any cheap Field service solution that works out of the box?

I try just to setup some basic operation like:

Send email to customer when the WO it is create

Send notification to technician that was assigned for that WO

Send email when tech it is on the way to client

Sens email to client and to manager when the WO it is complete with description of the job that was done, arrive time, finish time and the product that was used.

I did took all my time and try to create from scratch that WORK FLOW but it is impossible without strong knowledge of programming,.

  • cpaun Profile Picture
    cpaun 35 on at
    RE: Field service sample workflow

    Thank you so much Lu Hao. You save me few nights . The video link it is very clear description of HOW TO DO compare will all the MICROSOFT video that you can find on internet with WHAT CAN DO .

    Do you have bany chance other sample of work flows like:

    - send an email to client when the dispatch assign the WO to a tech so the client will be informed with the WO nr, WO description, the name of the technician the was assigned and the time and date when the technician will go to hi,

    - Send email to client and dispach when technician change status to in progress( i did not find to add the status as travel )

    - send email to client and manager when the WO it is closed and add on email body the work that was done, the time spend it, the products that was add it and the notes with signature

    As well I was looking to automate the WO create by receiving an email to create automatically a tichet and assigned to an existing customer if that have already the email address on account Field service

    I do not want to push to much my luck  but do you have any link in forum about Portal configuration client to see their WO, invoice and agreements?

    I did setup, but when I login as admin I get error that have not right to see WO. I did opened a support ticket to Microsoft but  not yet a solution for that

    For client I did not find a way to give access to a specific client to that Portal ( partner portal) and expose WO, Invoice

    Thank you again for the straight forward solution .

  • Verified answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,876 on at
    RE: Field service sample workflow

    Hi cpaun,

    Please first refer to this video for emailing in a workflow.

    Here are the detailed steps.

    Send email to customer when the WO it is create

    1. Go to Advanced Settings > Processes, New a process. Enter name, select Categ: Workflow, Entity: Work Order.

    3750.pastedimage1582793162066v1.png    6840.pastedimage1582793196583v2.png    4747.pastedimage1582793320148v3.png

    2. Select Scope (it indicates which users the workflow will be triggered by). Select Start when: Record is created (This means that this workflow is triggered when a Work Order is created.)


    3. Click Add Step > Send Email. Click Set Properties.

    4812.pastedimage1582793709234v5.png     1185.pastedimage1582794335812v7.png

    4. We need to use the Form Assistant on the right to enter dynamic values. (Please refer to the video provided above for how to use it.)


    5 Finally activate the workflow.


    Administrators can see logs for all workflows in Advanced Settings> System Jobs.


    Send notification to technician that was assigned for that WO

    The steps for creating a workflow are basically the same as above. The differences are as follows.

    Select Start when: Record is assigned.


    Select the dynamic value of technical in the To field of the email.

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