Hello, I am using thread as example on tutorial_Thread.
Everything work fine, but I want to pass objects between thread.
I see that Thread.setParam get as input a container.
I want to pass an object (the 'element' property of current form).
I see that container cannot include in its list of parameters an object (i.e, I cannot pass ['str', myObject]),
so I want to use the global cache.
When I setting global cache parameter, and get it on the thread method, It is null (that not happens for non-thread methods).
How can I pass global cache variable, and get it in thread (such as on TutorialThread::runThread method).
The global cache code may look like :
SysGlobalCache globalCache; ; super(); globalCache = Appl.globalCache(); globalCache.set("listviewsql", curuserid(), element);
and on thread function (such as TutorialThread::runthread):
SysGlobalCache globalCache; object c; ; super(); globalCache = Appl.globalCache(); c = globalCache.get("listviewsql", curuserid(), element); // c is null!!! Why?
Thanks :)
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