We are currently testing Dynamics (in Production) prior to Go Live.
We have three internal users involved in our testing. Those users are also Contacts within Dynamics, so we can each (i) see Marketing Content from a recipient's perspective and (ii) check that the Insights are valid before relying on them (for Lead scoring, prioritising next actions, etc.).
We have created a Static Segment with 10 genuine Contacts (chosen at random) in addition to the three internal users' Contacts.
The Email Insights all seem to be accurate (based on our internal users' confirmation). And the Web Page interactions against the internal users' Contacts also appear to be accurate.
However, it seems to be showing spurious information for the only third party Contact to click through our test Marketing Email. (I understand the action of Clicking on a link in the Marketing Email should be sufficient for the Web Page Interactions to register.)
According to the Insights on that Contact, they had been visiting our website weekly for months (despite being a completely cold lead prior to sending this one test Marketing Email). I find that very unlikely in itself.
Whatsmore, the most recent of their Web Page interactions could only have been made by one of our internal users. The URL was a page that one of our internal users was using to test embedding Dynamics Marketing Forms - there is no link to that URL anywhere on our website. So (contrary to the Insights) the URL would definitely not have been visited by the Contact in question. Which reinforces my suspicions about their supposed weekly visits to our website going back months.
Are there any known issues in this respect. (e.g. What would happen if the users Declined All Cookies on our website).
Does anyone have any suggestions for de-bugging?
Many thanks.