I am trying to make a custom event website, but I am having many difficulties. In this case, I am trying to host it on Azure.
I followed the steps in the MS documentation for 'event management web application' and then I followed exactly all the steps in the 'Host your custom event website on Azure' documentation.
When registering the web application, I created a new one in D365 Marketing and put as "Origin" the URL "Primary endpoint" given in the static page creation.
In the environment configuration of the Angular code, I put the Endpoint of the web application in the "apiEndpoint" field (in the place of /HOST/) and the token generated in the field "emApplicationtoken".
After that, I did the build, generated the "self-hosted" folder, and uploaded all the generated files to the $web blob container.
When I logged into the site (Primary endpoint) I got the error "We're having trouble communicating with the server".
Can someone help me?