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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

EDT Migration Tool

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Dear All,

Please let me know EDT migration tool.
What is use of EDT Migration Tool? When we use EDT Migration Tool?

Please give me more shed on this.


Arpan Sen

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  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: EDT Migration Tool

    Thanks a lot Sohaib

  • Verified answer
    Sohaib Cheema Profile Picture
    Sohaib Cheema 46,612 User Group Leader on at
    RE: EDT Migration Tool

    What is the use of Array elements?


    Array elements, as name tells itself. This allows you to store data of multiple elements into one field.

    The people who have been working with AX2009, are very used to this, as it was frequently used in Financial Dimensions of AX2009. Have a look at next URL(s)




    Additionally I recommend you create and EDT, Create few Array elements under that array. Now drag this array into a new customized table. You will notice multiple fields created under field, by just one EDT. Thus it allows you to save data of multiple elements into one table.


    Note that this Array elements have nothing to do with your current Thread/Question.


    What is the use of Table references?  Is Table Reference is replacement of "EDT

    Table references are used to control lookup on controls, where controls are not bound to a Dataset or Table. Let’s suppose you have a form and you have added a StringEdit on this form. You have NOT added any DataSet on this form. Your form has one StringEdit Control and you have mentioned some EDT in the properties of that control. Now this mentioned in properties of control to help you with lookup of this StringEdit. Have a look at next URL(s)



    One of the best examples in existing AX2012, to understand this is OMDepartmentRecId(EDT).


  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: EDT Migration Tool

    Thanks a lot Sohaib,

    In New EDT :


    1). What is the use of Array elements ?

    2). What is the use of Table references?  Is Table Reference is replacement of "EDT relation"?


    Please give me more shed on this.


    Arpan Sen

  • Sohaib Cheema Profile Picture
    Sohaib Cheema 46,612 User Group Leader on at
    RE: EDT Migration Tool

    As of now from AX 2012 EDT relation is not there right?

    For new EDT(s) there are no relationships. But for old EDT(s) coming from legacy system such as AX2009, still few of them carry relationships. An example of this is CustAccount (EDT). You can ignore such cases as those are system defined from Microsoft and you are not responsible to fix those.


    Please let me know if I required in my new EDT to create relation then how I will do the same thing in AX 2012 R3?

    No, you are not supposed to do this in AX2012. That’s why when you create a customized EDT in ax2012, you don’t get ability to create relationship, on EDT. Thus you should avoid doing so. To implement your business requirement, you may provide justification why you are looking for relationship on your new EDT(S) in AX2012.

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: EDT Migration Tool

    Thanks a lot Sohaib,

    I understood fully about EDT Migration tool.

    As of now from AX 2012 EDT relation is not there right?

    Please let me know If i required in my new EDT to create relation then how i will do the same thing in AX 2012 R3?


    Arpan Sen

  • Sohaib Cheema Profile Picture
    Sohaib Cheema 46,612 User Group Leader on at
    RE: EDT Migration Tool

    Prior to AX2012, there was support of relationships node on EDT(s).

    This was deprecated and it is not recommended any more to create relationships on EDT(s) starting from AX2012.

    When AX2012 arrived, people were migrating from AX2009 to AX2012, this tool was provided to migrate relationship from EDT(s) to tables.

    Still, you will fine few EDT(s) having relationships on them, but those are system defined and brought from prior versions. You can ignore such EDT(s). For your own created EDT(s) you are not supposed to create relationships on them. And for you old solutions you can migrate EDT(s) relationships to tables using tool.

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