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Do sitemap relative URLs for reports in dynamics-365 work in Unified Interface?

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I think I have found a bug with Sitemap relative URLs and Unified Interface mode.  Does anyone know if there is a way to get them working?

When converting a legacy app to a new model app, one of the issues encountered was that the Sitemap direct links to reports stopped showing in Unified Interface mode. 

In the Sitemap Designer, found that the URLs for each report link was a relative URL.  Changing the link to absolute would show the links, but this would make the sitemap less portable and would require manually editing the SiteMap in each environment.

To clarify...

This relative URL works in legacy mode, but not in Unified Interface mode:

/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=[Report guid here]&helpID=Account%20Overview.rdl

This absolute URL works in both modes, but is not portable across environments:

https://[organization url here]/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=[Report guid here]&helpID=Account%20Overview.rdl

Confirming Legacy App Sitemap report relative urls work

Set Use Unified Interface only to Off

  • Navigate to the Power Platform admin center (, and navigate to the environment’s settings
  • Set Behaviour > Behaviour option Use Unified Interface only to Off


Configure the Legacy App Site Map

In the Customer Service legacy app, configure the relative report URL in the Sitemap designer.

For example: add a Sub Area with

  • Title: Account Overview
  • URL: /crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=[Report guid here]&helpID=Account%20Overview.rdl
    NOTE: The relative url, doesn’t require the organization url
  • Publish the Site Map and Model App


Test it

Open the legacy app and clicking on the new navigation link it will open the report as expected



Confirming Unified Interface Sitemap report relative urls don’t work

Set Use Unified Interface only to On

  • Navigate to the Power Platform admin center (, and navigate to the environment’s settings
  • Set Behaviour > Basic Behaviour option Use Unified Interface only to On

Test it

Open the legacy app again.  Will now display in Unified Interface mode with the navigation panel not  showing the relative navigation link at all.


There is a workaround, change the URL to an absolute by adding the organization url part.

For example: URL: [organization url]/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=[Report guid here]&helpID=Account%20Overview.rdl

However, this makes the sitemap less portable and requires manually editing the SiteMap in each environment.

Have confirmed that this behavior also applies to Modern Apps, such as Customer Service Hub.

  • Anil Borse Profile Picture
    Anil Borse 5 on at
    RE: Do sitemap relative URLs for reports in dynamics-365 work in Unified Interface?

    Suggest to add Reports as a sub-area in Sitemap and select Report entity. Create a specific view to only show the reports which you intend for Report entity and then only add the view for the model driven app

  • ewolthaus Profile Picture
    ewolthaus 10 on at
    RE: Do sitemap relative URLs for reports in dynamics-365 work in Unified Interface?

    Hi Ben,

    Did you manage to solve this? I'm stuck on the same issue...

    Would appreciate any feedback :)

    Best regards,

    Ernst Wolthaus

  • Bilal Itani Profile Picture
    Bilal Itani 90 on at
    RE: Do sitemap relative URLs for reports in dynamics-365 work in Unified Interface?

    We're currently experiencing this issue with our Sitemap. Did anyone find any workaround for this? Perhaps there's a possibility to redirect with custom html web resource & javascript (but I don't want to go into these kind of hacks...).

    So far, what I've noticed is that the subarea of the sitemap is displayed only when the url starts with /main.aspx. If it's something else, the subarea disappears from the sitemap in new UCI. Ofcourse, the subarea is also displayed if we provide the URL field with an absolute URL rather than relative.

    Any OOB way? As you said, it is possible to hard code the link, but there will be a limitation when we want to deploy from an environment to another..


  • Ben Brown - AUS Profile Picture
    Ben Brown - AUS 50 on at
    RE: Relative report urls in dynamics-365 don't work in Unified Interface sitemap?

    Thanks for the quick response Bipin Kumar!

    It makes sense to add the appid to the URL as it should be tied to the Model App.  However, it didn't work for me.

    Tried it with Sales Hub; Customer Service Hub; and the legacy Customer Service apps.

    Here are the settings in the Sitemap.

    Type: URL

    URL: /crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=2b2a692e-7d04-e711-80e6-00155db8652a&helpID=Account Overview.rdl&appid=b04a540c-23a3-ea11-a812-000d3a091a37

    Parameter Passing: Unchecked (checking doesn't seem to make difference)

    Also tried setting some privileges in the advanced settings, didn't work either.

    If it works for you and not me, either I am missing something or the versions are different. I am currently on Version 1710 ( online.

    Will keep on troubleshooting.

  • Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Moderator on at
    RE: Relative report urls in dynamics-365 don't work in Unified Interface sitemap?


    Can you try adding appid in URL like I did for sales hub.

    /crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=[Report ID]&helpID=Account%20Overview.rdl&appid=89603f8e-0d98-ea11-a811-000d3a0a7553

    Let me know how it goes.

    If found helpful, Please mark my answer verified.

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