When you export Form Submissions to Excel, you get Option Set Values instead of the Label?!
No-one wants to see 100,000,002 instead of actual Label. How do staff know that 100,000,002 = Option A and 100,000,001 = Option B
This NEEDS to change ASAP. At the moment, staff have no idea what customers have actually requested!
Hi Wolverine,
Do not hesitate to ask question if you still had any doubt.
If you had found any answer helped, please kindly mark as verified to close the thread, it would be really appreciated.
I will submit a ticket. Thank you for all your help :)
Hi Wolverine,
To get submitted value of other form, we can just replace the form id filter with another guid value, hence only one flow is required.
Actually the method is only a workaround for current situation.
Because format of insights data is processed at server side, so it couldn't be customized by us, and now we have found that it only shows raw number value instead of formatted text value.
Moreover, I have also tried using OOB export to excel feature to export form submission records, however, due to submitted values are from field of related record(Marketing Field Submission entity) of form submission,
thus the submitted value column of the exported excel file is blank.
In a word, it seems that there were some issues with exporting submission records, unfortunately there is no perfect solution at present.
You could submit what you found to Insights category of Marketing Ideas forum.
Please wait for feature of Insights data exporting could be patched in the future release.
Thanks. I really appreciate all the time you took to post this, but don't you think it's utterly ridiculous that every single user on the planet has to create his own Flow just to see the values of submitted forms?!
I presume I'd need to create one for each and every form we create that has an Option Set?
Hi Wolverine,
You could take following way as alternative solution for current situation.
1. Enable Store form submission option to your form, it will create actual records in system.(An entity called marketing form submission.)
2. Build a fetchXml query to get form submission records and its associated field value.(the submitted value, by adding linked-entity attribute to fetchXml.)
You can use my sample query directly, just replace msdyncrm_marketingformid(9d4db02a-4fcb-ea11-a812-000d3aa08b45) with form id of your owns.
3. Create a flow like screenshot below:
step 2:
step 3:
Create a CSV table, note that the ContactName column could be set to item()?['_msdyncrm_matchedcontactid_value@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue' to get the name value of Contact instead of guid.
step 4, the final step: Create a csv file in OneDrive using the output from step 3
Test result:
In submitted value column/field, data of option set field is its label value.
The excel file:
(In my environment, the Country field is option set type.)
If you had found any answer helped, please kindly mark as verified to close the thread, it would be really appreciated.
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