HI, I had a problem on getting the existing or created number sequence in Dynamic 365. How to code it on X++??
I cant understand can you send me a code,
I think you need to create custom number as mentioned in the blog and use NumberSeq class to assign the new number via code.
Girish S.
How to populate automatically the field item number on EcoResproductCreate form?
As far I know you need to create number sequence as per the link and map that EDT to table fields.
Girish S.
how about to manually create a number sequence and populate in on the item
number field.
Please refer to the blog which I sent for creating number sequence with the format you mentioned.
I am pasting it again for your reference.
I am not sure with the functionality of production module but check whether any standard number sequence available for item number.
Girish S.
Maybe i would create a new number sequence or item number with this format G-0001 in X++. but i dont know how to do it. and upon clicking new on the production creation it will automatically populate na item number on ecoresproductcreate form
Also, from the screenshot I can see that you are referring to "NumberSequenceCode" EDT which is a standard one.
Are you creating number sequence for that EDT?
Girish S.
I think you missed some steps while creating custom number sequence.
You need to load the number seqeunce class using runnable class.
After that you need to go to Organization administration >> Number Sequence >> Number Sequence >> Generate (Button on the action pane).
Refer to the below blog.
Girish S.
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