We are trying to migrate from windows authentication to IFD using a 3rd party WS-Fed identity provider (Okta).
We have completed the setup and the CRM site is accessible and uses Okta for it's authentication.
The problem we have now is trying to figure out how to get/send credentials when connecting to the SDK.
We have many custom applications that interface with the SDK, and many of them are (headless) console apps that simply used the credentials of the running job, or credentials stored in a config file to authenticate. Therefore, any authentication mechanism that relies on redirecting the process to the identity service for logon will not work. We need to pass the credentials to the connection.
I've tried using:
var conn = new CrmServiceClient("AuthType=IFD;Url=https://mycrm.myorganization.org/DevCrm;HomeRealmUri=https://mycrm.myorganization.org;Domain=mydomain;Username=me@myorganization.org;Password=xx##!!xx");
...and I get a response of:
An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail. => An error occurred when processing the security tokens in the message.
Has anyone done this sort of thing? I've tried it using both a simple custom app as well as the XrmToolBox, and in both cases I was not able to establish a connection. Both seemed to want to redirect me to the Okta logon page.
p.s. Am I the only one who thinks it odd that there's no developer / technical forum in this community?