I have a licensing question. I am not interested in sales features but in marketing well.
Can we create an Environment with PowerApps licenses+ a Marketing license?
For example, if I buy 1 Enterprise license ( to get the higher API limit) + 10 Power apps per app users + 1 marketing license (to get events tables and marketing features)
Can all my users use the marketing app and the included features (Outlook plugin, quick campaign, marketing lists...)? Do I have the same features as if I buy Entreprise licenses? Or more? Or less?
For 10 users, this license mix is a similar price as using 10 enterprise users + marketing. But for more users, this could be interesting...
Other question: If I get a Marketing license but I want to use only 1 app for all users. Do I need to customize the marketing app or could I add the marketing features in a custom app I create?
Thanks for your answers