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NameSpace declation for a report

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Hi Experts,

I am facing an error while generating a report. The test server is ok. In class of this report i am getting an error as shown in the above images. One image is from Live and one from Test server please help here!!

In Live(Production server )Class report is requiring to declare a variable which is namespace.Now the issue with me is where to declare this Namespace ??

Best Regards,

Shabir Ahmad

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    For putting the dll in the bin folder of the client, I have already described it for you. Please make sure that you have read everything that's already written in this discussion.

    For MS best practice about deploying your code:

  • Shabir Ahmad Profile Picture
    Shabir Ahmad 3,056 on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    Hi Nikolaos Mäenpää,

    I restored all the folder in prod again but in Test server i had a problem with ssrs report server the same came here. Now i did as you suggested and deploying all reports.

    if you want to be able to compile this code in AX client, the dll file needs to be in the bin folder of the client, too.    (Please suggest me for this step how to do this??)

    ssuming you are following MS best practice and do modelstore deployments from UAT/staging to prod.(Please suggest me for this step how to do this??)


    Thanks for your suport .b

    Best Regards,

    Shabir Ahmad

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    You should definetely not copy rhe whole bin folder. If you did it, please restore the original prod bin folder from backups and copy just the dll file.

    Also, if you want to be able to compile this code in AX client, the dll file needs to be in the bin folder of the client, too.

    Normally you don't need to compile anything in prod, perhaps x++ jobs but nothing else, assuming you are following MS best practice and do modelstore deployments from UAT/staging to prod.

    I don't understand what you mean by "now it is generating that error for reporting services which error i have on Test server of Reports". If it's some new issue, please post a new question.

  • Shabir Ahmad Profile Picture
    Shabir Ahmad 3,056 on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    Hi Nikolaos Mäenpää,

    We have only one AOS server what i did i just copy bin folder of Ax Test server and past it to live now it is generating that error for reporting services which error i have on Test server of Reports,

    Best Regards,

    Shabir Ahmad

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    I meant that you should check the bin folder of your AOS and Client installation directories for UAT.

    - For AOS it's something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin (but it can be different in your system)

    - For Client it's something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin

    Check those folders, check if you find such DLL file. If yes, you must place it in corresponding directories of your prod system. If/when you have multiple AOS in prod, the DLL must be in bin directory of each of them.

  • Shabir Ahmad Profile Picture
    Shabir Ahmad 3,056 on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    Hi Nikolaos Mäenpää ,

    Thanks for your reply, would you like to tell me how to follow your UAT and put the DLL in prod environment. Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards,

    Shabir Ahmad

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    You seem to be using some third party library called RightSolutions. For some reason you don't have the RightSolutions dll in your prod system. Since you don't have it, the system says that it doesn't know anything that is called "RightSolutions".

    Depending of the usage, this DLL needs to be in the bin folder of client and/or AOS. Check in your UAT which way it is and then put the DLLs in prod (and restart all AOS instances in prod).

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,414 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: NameSpace declation for a report

    It's not requiring it to "declare a variable which is namespace", it just has no idea what "RightSolutions" is.

    In your previous thread, you had a problem with this assembly and you said the problem was caused by missing CIL compilation. You still seems to have a problem in production, therefore the logical next step would be deploying your compiled code to production. I wonder how you end up with production code that doesn't even compile.

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