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Issue add a member to a static segment

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Posted on by 15
Good morning,

I have a question related to a static segment.

I am adding a member but I don't see it in the list of members.

I see something strange, in the member count that shows in the upper part within the segment it does show that the total number of members has increased by 1, but in below the list of members that total number of member I do not see that there is uploaded by 1.

  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: Issue add a member to a static segment

    I agree with SEDE,

    opening a ticket in such case is the quickest way to resolve an issue

  • SEDE Profile Picture
    SEDE 110 on at
    RE: Issue add a member to a static segment

    Hey klosb,

    When we had this issue, we had to open a support ticket to get it fixed. That's likely your best bet.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Issue add a member to a static segment

    Hi klosb,

    Please do following steps to do troubleshooting.

    1. Open console(F12), go to Network > XHR and clear existing information.

    Then click refresh of members view to confirm whether value of TotalRecords property of msdyncrm_FetchContactsByQuery is equal to value of members field.


    2. If they are same, please check whether Segment members view of Contact was customized.(e.g: A custom filter criteria is added to it somehow, by default there isn't any filter criteria.)

    3. Stop the segment and go live it again to check whether the issue could be solved.



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