I have a campaign that has a campaign activity underneath it.
When the campaign is marked inactive I want it to deactivate the child campaign activity record and then deactivate itself.
I have created a workflow that triggers based on a change in campaign status and should trigger BEFORE the campaign state changes so that I change the campaign activity first and then do the campaign.
I believe I'm hitting some kind of race condition as sometime this works and sometimes it doesn't.
What I would like to see happen;
User clicks "DEACTIVATE" from campaign, campaign activity is set to INACTIVE (via my real-time workflow), CAMPAIGN updates its status accordingly.
User clicks "ACTIVATE" from campaign, campaign activity is set to ACTIVE (via my real-time workflow), CAMPAIGN updates its status accordingly.
Am I missing something? I would have thought the real-time workflow would have blocked the campaign status change from completing before campaign activity workflow would have changed.
I'm trying to avoid writing a plugin or my own code to handle this.
Thanks - Greg