I want to embed a customer voice survey link within an email trigerred from D365 Customer service. Also want to store the survey response back to my dataverse along with customer information. Is it posible?
I want to embed a customer voice survey link within an email trigerred from D365 Customer service. Also want to store the survey response back to my dataverse along with customer information. Is it posible?
You're Welcome , and said earlier you can simply click on the case resolution survey option over left side
click on Respondents towards right side
Double click the name you see, in this case it is mine
on the next page click on personalized data
You will also get email id of the respondents, I have masked it however.
Please mark verified if this helps.
Thanks a lot Sameer. It would be sent from customer services application. If we use "Send survey" button then would it also capture for which customer I am trying to send it ? Basically in customer services I want to trigger an email to customer and send the survey along with it. When customer will fill in the survey and submit, I also want to capture the customer details in my survey response.
If its going to be cases then follow the below steps :
Click on New Survey if you dont have one added :
Click on New Project :
Select the Template you want to :
In this case I will select Support :
Select the Environment and click on Create ,
Post that you land on this page :
Click on Send :
and select Automation :
And Select the suitable automation :
In this case I will be selecting send the survey once the case is resolved in CRM
from the above image click on the Dataverse connection and Dynamics 365 Customer Voice connection and login via your admin creds.
Now its done
You can find your responses and details in the action menu left side :
Please mark verified if this helps.
Hi ,
Yes this is possible, but wanted to know from which application you want to trigger the survey? will it be from case or just a general survey from customer voice.
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