I would like to send a one-off email to a list of 20K+ users using real-time journeys.
How would I create a segment of these people? All I have to identify these customers are their email addresses and their names.
I know that within the logic builder in the segment creator window, there is an option to 'include contacts' but this is highly unfeasible as doing this process manually where I add the 20K names myself will drive me insane :(
I only have access to real-time journeys so would I have to create a journey to send these emails?
Create a segment of 20K users on realtime journeys
You can add a new field to the contact table to differentiate it from the original contact.
Importing contacts with specific fields by excel.
For example, I built the marking field, and the segmentation at this point searches for contacts that carry this field.
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Best regards, Cui Hao
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