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Payment advice shows "No data available"

Posted on by 81
I am facing an issue where my vendor remittances attachments are generated and sent but show "No data available"
I am aware of this known issue,Details for issue 536165 ( and we've confirmed that it's not the cause of our particular issue as we always have invoices selected for payment.
Can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot or resolve this?
  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 22,300 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    Then this is not normal, try to reprint it and see if the data shows, if not, try to debug it or try to replicate.
  • HNd365FO Profile Picture
    HNd365FO 81 on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    And what if the vendor transactions do show that there were transactions settled?
    Thank you all for your continued assistance.

  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 22,300 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    I think its better you share all the information in one go to avoid multiple back and forth.
    In your last comment, it is confirmed that, your payment batch is posted so after posting no journal can show the marked transactions because marked trasnactions are kept in a temporary table.
    To know the issue you can back track to the vendor transactions and settled transaction to see if any transactions were settled into thar journal or not, if not then its by design.
    Repeat- If there is no transactions settled during payment, Payment Advice does not generate with data and that is by design.
  • HNd365FO Profile Picture
    HNd365FO 81 on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    Oh but this is after the payment batch had been posted.

    How can I check that there were invoices selected beforehand?
    The payment batch contains many vendors and only one of the vendors encountered this issue.
  • Suggested answer
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 12,189 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    That’s the reason! This is why no records are appearing in the report.
  • HNd365FO Profile Picture
    HNd365FO 81 on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    I checked and there is nothing:

  • Suggested answer
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 12,189 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    Can you check on "View marked transactions" to check if there is any invoice that is marked to the journal line?

    I test as follows and I can generate the report with data:
  • HNd365FO Profile Picture
    HNd365FO 81 on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    This is what we are seeing:


    This is what we expect to see:
  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 22,300 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    The link you shared that is not known issue, rather than is declined by PG team by sayin this is by design.
    The data does not shows when you did not settle any inovice into the payment journal, which means without selecitng invoice payment advice wont show any data, this is a standard behavior.
  • Alok Sapru Profile Picture
    Alok Sapru 6 on at
    Payment advice shows "No data available"
    Is report empty or only not showing the payment line? If possible share the screenshot.

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