In project operations I have fixed price contract lines that correspond with tasks in my project. One of the task might be something like applying for permits, I need to have a task after that for our project management that is /Permits approved/. Since that is a 0 duration task for us, but since it completion of this milestone cannot be invoiced until the permit is approved how do I mark this task as 100% complete. I am able to mark tasks with a duration complete by submitting time and if the time is less than expected then going into tracking tab and changing /Effort Remaining/ to 0. For this task though the effort remaining is already 0 and I cannot change the % complete columns at all. Even when I enter the information and go to More Fields and then view details I don't have an option to change it there.
Thing is when I look at the %Complete column in power apps solution the field is a business recommended field and I can edit it there. This seems like it should be very simple but isn't, any insight is greatly appreciated.
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