I am facing this error message on a Customer Bank Approval Workflow.
This one is odd since I am not able to replicate the error message in other three testing environments, only seen in production in one company code.
Stopped (error): X++ Exception: Access denied to field Bank account number (AccountNum) in table Customer bank accounts (CustBankAccount). at SysWorkflowWorkItem-create SysWorkflowWorkItem-createWorkItems SysWorkflow-save SysWorkflowQueue-resume
This error is even found with system admin rights.
In my understanding the privilege called maintain customer bank account has access to custbankaccountable reference accountnum
In theory any of these roles should be able to do the trick.
Access denied to field Bank account number (AccountNum) in table Customer bank accounts
If you have this error even with the system administrator, it is most likely not related to security. Are you able to set up a copy of the environment and restore a backup of the production database? Then a developer would probably be able to find the culprit by debugging the process.
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