I have a plan to use the dynamics 365 marketing form in my wordpress website. I configured many forms using capture form functionality between my wordpress and dynamics marketing. I have many form in a page like approxiamately 20-24 forms. In some form pages, There is not any issue while I am capturing forms using capture form. But I face an issue like "You have exceeded the maximum number of 150000 characters in this field" for some form pages. There is not any information about which field prevents the capturing form. I checked the marketing forms and marketing form templates tables and found two fields which have the max length is 150000 called msdyncrm_formfieldmapping, msdyncrm_capturing_data, msdyncrm_formdefinition. I changed it the max value as 1.048.576. Then I published the all customizations. I tried to capture form again. But it shows me the same issue. How can I determine which field/s are getting this error?
Erdi Did you ever reach a resolution with Microsoft on this? I have this exact same issue with a client of mine I'm implementing Dynamics Marketing for. They're using Wordpress Gravity Forms and I can't get Marketing to save the form capture record due to this same error.
I'm sorry I can't locate your question. It is recommended to build a ticket to Microsoft for more help.
Best Regards,
Hi Nya,
I tried to remove three marketing entity from app designer of marketing. Then I added them to the app designer again and published them. But it still shows me the same error message in the form. By the way, I changed the fields of marketing form templates that you have mentioned. I had specified them in my post description.
Thank you for your recommendations. Unfortunately, we didn't resolved it with these recommendations.
Have you tried to re-capture the form after modifying the lengths of the fields?
Or try to remove the Marketing Form entity from the App Designer of Marketing and re-add it if the message keeps showing.
There are also two similar fields with the length limit of 150000 characters in the Marketing Form Template entity. Try to update them if the above steps have no effect.
If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.
Best Regards,
André Arnaud de Cal...
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