Hi Experts! Hoping you are having great implementations, I an currently trying to create some privilege but when I add permissions I am a little bit confused.
Can anyone hepl me to understand the difference between Action menu Items, display menu Items, Output menu items and Service Operations? Any help would be much appreciated
For example, if I want to create some privileges related to printing purchase order confirmations, In which reference category should i be looking for?
Or which refence category should I be looking into to create privileges for Editing / Removing Addresses from a a vendor?
Thank you very much!!! have a nice week
This is exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you very much! Have a great week
Hi Fernando,
Menu items are categorized in the development environment for starting forms (display), reports (output) or periodic jobs (action). In some cases, this is not always consistently used as these type of menu items can open several types of objects. Service operations is the node to set permissions for web services.
For preview/print, initially I would expect an output menu item, but it could be also another reference. Editing an address would be typically opening another form, thus a display is my first guess. The Remove option is an action. You can use the task recorder to get to know the menu items and the types of them used:
Security diagnostics for task recordings - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
How to find action and output menu item names for security diagnostics - Dynamicspedia
There are some elements which will not be part of the task recording. In that case, you would need to have deeper knowledge about the architecture of Dynamics 365, both from a technical and security point of view. To make people aware that there is more next to managing security via a menu item, I wrote the next blogs:
Securing a menu item is not enough - form parts - Dynamicspedia
Securing a menu item is not enough - form controls - Dynamicspedia
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