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Internal Error: the email is still syncing. Please Try again later

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Upon checking for errors in a simple customer journey, I am receiving this error:

Internal Error: the email is still syncing. Please try again later. 

This error only appears with one email template. If I switch the template the error does not reappear. 

However, I am able to successfully send a test email to myself of this same email template. 

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Internal Error: the email is still syncing. Please Try again later

    Hi VSalyer,

    As you have mentioned, this issue could be caused by Sender(actually "From address"?) field.

    Marketing email has its own back-end engine to send email compared with activity email, 

    so we don't need to make the field is populated with email adress of an existing user in org.

    Instead, we should make sure that the domain(string after @) in the field has been authenticated in Settings > Authenticated domains to send marketing email.

    For example,

    if had been authticated,

    then you could send marketing email with following settings:

    From address:, or

    From name: it could be any text value, e.g: clofly, clofly admin etc.

    Finally, try to change a working email address(authenticated domain) to send email with the template again to test whether the issue could be solved.



  • VSalyer24 Profile Picture
    VSalyer24 110 on at
    RE: Internal Error: the email is still syncing. Please Try again later

    Server Version: 9.1.0000.10968

    Client version: 1.3.2539-191219-202838

    Not sure what my CRM region is

    Email Template Name: University President Welcome Letter

    There are dynamic content fields in the email template and it is not a large template.

    Is it because I am trying to use a "Sender" that is not a user of the org? In order to use static "from names" does the value have to reside in a field in the system, for example on the Contact entity?

  • a_metwally Profile Picture
    a_metwally 5 on at
    RE: Internal Error: the email is still syncing. Please Try again later

    Is the marketing email has large size?

    MS documents states:

    "When you're designing email content, you should always try to minimize the size of your messages as much as you can. When it comes to the text and code content (not including referenced image content), we recommend that you always keep your files under 100 KB for the following reasons:

    -Emails larger than 100 KB are often flagged as spam by spam filters

    -Gmail truncates messages after the first 102 KB of source text and coding.

    -Emails larger than 128 KB can't be delivered by a customer journey (the journey will fail its error check if it includes messages larger than this)

    -Large emails take longer to load, which may annoy recipients."

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Internal Error: the email is still syncing. Please Try again later

    Hi VSalyer,

    Could you share following informations?

    - server version

    - client version

    - crm region

    - name of that email template

    In addition, have you

    - added any customization such as dynamic contents on the template?

    - tried new Send now feature on the template? (It will build a segment from selected contacts and create a simple customer journey automactically in one click)



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