Greetings everybody,
I am currently experiencing problems updating Resolved/Closed Incidents. We have some custom hidden Fields attached to them that we need to update from a separate .NET Backend, which is connected via the official Microsoft Powerplatform Dataverse Client (Essentially using the organization service)
Now when I try to update the incident, using either ServiceContext.SaveChanges or UpdateRequest it throws me the error that an incident can only be set to resolved with an CloseIncidentRequest .
It obviously is already Resolved though. Now when I used mentioned CloseIncidentRequest, I receive the following error: "Entity: Incident does not have valid status code". I assume thats because the incident is already in a closed state, so a status change to resolved doesn't make sense.
Now, how do I update the Incident without Reopening -> Updating -> Closing?
The following setting in the Customer Service Hub, for allowing Case Updates after resolution, is also properly set:
It would be amazing, if someone could help us out with this issue.
Thank you in advance.