RE: Remove Inactive Employee
There is a 'remove inactive records' utility in Payroll where you can choose to remove inactive employee records only (UPR00100 Employee master table) and/or the historical records (UPR30100, UPR30300, etc) for those Inactive employees as well. If you don't mark to remove historical record, then that data will be kept for Payroll history reports. This utility also removes them from HR and Direct Deposit info. This utility does remove all inactive employees, so you would only want to mark the inactive checkbox on the Payroll Maintenance card for the employees you want to remove at the time you run this utility. Note: Do not remove any inactive employees if they have any activity for the current year and need to be included in the year-end wage file.
You can find details on this utility in 'Chapter 17 of Part 5: Utilities' using this link for the US Payroll DOCS site:
I would recommend to restore a copy of your company database to a test company and test this 'remove inactive records' utility, so you can see what it all does. Mark one employee as inactive and run the utility to remove inactive employee records only. Then mark another employee as inactive and run both the options to remove the employee and the historical records.
Then print some of your Payroll history reports, and other reports you commonly use, and see what is included, etc. Again, do not remove any employees that have activity this calendar year and need to be included in the Year-end wage file and needs a W2.
Hope that helps, Please mark as 'answer' if this helps you.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Support