Newbie here. Looking to move to Dynamics but can't figure out if our data will map properly.
We do mostly residential service so we have the following:
Accounts = households, vendors, competitors, etc.
Contacts = individuals of the household
Locations = residence/s of the household where we work and the main record to store all work orders, time logs, invoices, documentation, etc.
The only way I can figure it is to make locations as accounts that are children of the household account, but I'm not sure it that will fully work because we have many scenarios that need to be handled as follows:
household divorces so one contact now moves away from the existing household account and we would need to create a new household and location
household sells residence so we want all history maintained but new owners need new account and contacts and then the location moves to the new household
two household accounts are siblings or otherwise related and now a new location is added that both need to be linked to
household has a location but also owns a business which is a separate account with its own locations but contact needs to be linked to both it and their own household account