I need to create a query with 2 groups. The first group will find records on or after X date AND on or before another date. The second group will also search on a date field, and this will also be an 'on or after' AND 'on or before'. I want to find records if either of these groups matches the query. However, when you open the Filter dialog, the AND is grayed out and can't be changed to an OR?!
1) Does anyone know why you can't change this to an OR?
2) Is there a way to change this to an OR?
If not, how can I get into the Old Query Designer, so that I can build my Query?
It's a pity that the NEW interface is more time-consuming/takes longer than the old way. Not sure Microsoft understands what constitutes and improvement!
You can follow the steps below to set up the filter query.
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