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The type 'VarString' is not supported as a return value.

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Hi Experts,

I developed a report with data builder and controller class as i am running my report this error i am getting"The type 'VarString' is not supported as a return value."

Check my code below

class JDCustomerInvoiceDp extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
TransDate Todate, FromDate;

JDCustomerInvoiceContract contract;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp JDCustomerInvoiceTmp;
CustInvoiceTrans custInvoiceTrans,CustInvoiceTransLocal;
CustInvoiceJour custInvoiceJour;
CustTable custtable;
InventTable inventTable;


public JDCustomerInvoiceTmp getJDCustomerInvoiceTmp()
select * from JDCustomerInvoiceTmp;
return JDCustomerInvoiceTmp;

public void insertTmp()

JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.CustName = custInvoiceJour.invoiceName();
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.AccountNum = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.InvoiceDate = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.CustGroup = custInvoiceJour.CustGroup;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.SalesGroup = SalesTable::find(custInvoiceJour.SalesId).SalesGroup;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.PartyCountry = CustTable::find(custInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount).PartyCountry;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.PartyCity = CustTable::find(custInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount).PartyState;

// JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.SalesOriginId = custInvoiceJour.SalesOriginId;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.SalesMan =DirPartyTable::findRec(SalesTable::find(custInvoiceJour.SalesId).WorkerSalesResponsible).Name;
//JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Section = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.ItemId= custInvoiceTrans.ItemId;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.ItemName= custInvoiceTrans.itemName();
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.ItemGroupId= InventTable::find(custInvoiceTrans.ItemId).itemGroupId();
//JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.ModelGroupId= InventTable::find(custInvoiceTrans.ItemId).modelGroupId();
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Qty = custInvoiceTrans.Qty;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.LineAmount = custInvoiceTrans.LineAmount;

select firstonly custtable where custtable.AccountNum == custInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount;

JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Email = custtable.Email9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Phone = custtable.TelePhone9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Region =custtable.Region9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Registration = custtable.RegistrationStatus9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.InChargePerson = custtable.InChargsePerson9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.CrNumber = custtable.CRNumber9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.TheNameInCr = custtable.TheNameinCR9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.CreditMax = custtable.CreditMax;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.PaymentTerm = custtable.PaymentTerm9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Section = custtable.CustomerSection9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.PartyCity = custtable.City9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.PartyCountry = custtable.Country9;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.SalesGroup = custtable.SalesGroup9;

select firstOnly inventTable where inventTable.ItemId == custInvoiceTrans.ItemId;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Color = inventTable.Color;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Size = inventTable.Size;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Class = inventTable.Class;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.SubClass = inventTable.SubClass;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Style = inventTable.Style;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.Category = inventTable.Category;
JDCustomerInvoiceTmp.FullDescription = inventTable.FullDescription;



public void processReport()

Query query;
QueryRun queryRun;
QueryBuildDataSource queryBuildDataSource;
QueryBuildRange queryBuildRange;

query = this.parmQuery();

contract = this.parmDataContract();
FromDate = contract.parmFromDate();
ToDate = contract.parmToDate();
query.dataSourceNo(1).addRange(fieldnum(CustInvoiceJour, InvoiceDate)).value(queryRange(FromDate, ToDate));

queryRun = new QueryRun(query);

custInvoiceTrans = queryRun.get(tablenum(CustInvoiceTrans));
custInvoiceJour = queryRun.get(tablenum(CustInvoiceJour));


Data Contract Class

[ DataContractAttribute,

class JDCustomerInvoiceContract
TransDate Todate, FromDate;
str City;
str Status;
str Region;


public str parmCity(str _city = city)
city= _city;
return City;

[DataMemberAttribute("From date"),
SysOperationLabelAttribute("From date")]
public TransDate parmFromDate(TransDate _fromDate = fromDate)
fromDate = _fromDate;
return fromDate;

[DataMemberAttribute(" Region"),
SysOperationLabelAttribute(" Region")]
public str parmRegion(str _region = Region)
Region= _region;
return Region;

[DataMemberAttribute(" Status"),
SysOperationLabelAttribute(" Status")]
public str parmStatus(str _status = Status)
Status= _status;
return Status;

[DataMemberAttribute("To Date"),
SysOperationLabelAttribute("To date")]
public TransDate parmToDate(TransDate _ToDate = ToDate)
Todate = _ToDate;
return ToDate;

Report Builder class

public class JadcoReportBuilder extends SysOperationAutomaticUIBuilder //SysOperationAutomaticaUIBuilder

JDCustomerInvoiceContract DialogContract;
DialogField DialogCity;
DialogField DialogRegion;
DialogField DialogStatus;
DialogField DialogSalesGroup;


private void citylookup(FormStringControl _lookup)
QueryBuildDataSource querybuilddatasrcoue;

Query query= new Query();

SysTableLookup systablelookup;
if(_lookup != null)
systablelookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(CustTable ), _lookup);

systablelookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum( CustTable, city9),true);
systablelookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum( CustTable, Region9),true);

systablelookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum( CustTable, Status9),true);



public void postBuild()

if( this.controller() as jADController)
DialogCity.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup), methodStr(JadcoReportBuilder ,citylookup), this);

public void build()
if(this.controller() as jADController)
DialogContract = this.dataContractObject();

DialogCity = this.addDialogField (methodStr(JDCustomerInvoiceContract ,parmCity),DialogContract);
DialogCity = this.addDialogField (methodStr(JDCustomerInvoiceContract ,parmstatus),DialogContract);
DialogCity = this.addDialogField (methodStr(JDCustomerInvoiceContract ,parmRegion),DialogContract);
// DialogCity = this.addDialogField (methodStr(JDCustomerInvoiceContract ,)DialogContract);

// DialogCity = this.addDialogField (methodStr(JDCustomerInvoiceContract ,parmCity)DialogContract;


Controller class

class jADController extends SrsReportRunController

public static client void main(Args args)
jADController ff_ReportController;
ff_ReportController = new jADController();
ff_ReportController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(JDCustomerInvoice1, Detail));
ff_ReportController. parmDialogCaption('Report');
ff_ReportController .startOperation();


Best Regards,

Shabir The type 'VarString' is not supported as a return value.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,466 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: The type 'VarString' is not supported as a return value.

    I think the best solution would be fixing this bug in data model, migrating the data and throwing away these incorrect fields.

    Use LogisticsAddressCityRecId EDT to refer to a city, because cities are stored in LogisticsAddressCity table. When you drop this EDT to a table, it should automatically create a foreign key reference and when you drop the field to a form design, it'll use  a reference group control. There you can choose which fields you want to replace RecId in GUI. You'll also get the standard lookup without any development.

    By the way, each city is already bound to a country (Name is not unique, RecId is).

    It seems we're now discussing the same things in two threads of your (the other is The value xxxxx in field 'City' is not found in the related table 'Cities'.). :-(

  • Shabir Ahmad Profile Picture
    Shabir Ahmad 3,064 on at
    RE: The type 'VarString' is not supported as a return value.

    Hi Blue Wang,

    You were right i change to  EDT error gone, if you can support me more, here in our organization  they made custom fields City, Status and Region  on cuttable as string all, i want to show as drop down list parameter if you show me in code as report parameter, drop down list. Appreciating your suggestion dear.

    Best Regards,

    Shabir Ahmad

  • Verified answer
    Blue Wang Profile Picture
    Blue Wang on at
    RE: The type 'VarString' is not supported as a return value.

    Hi Shabir,

    In your contract class, you defined  City, Status, Region as str type.

    class JDCustomerInvoiceContract
       TransDate Todate, FromDate;
       str City;
       str Status;
       str Region;
    public str parmCity(str _city = city)
       city= _city;
       return City;

    You can try to change them to other EDT.

    I think error is from there, Have you debugged code?

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,466 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: The type 'VarString' is not supported as a return value.

    Unfortunately your code is difficult to read, because blocks of code aren't indented. Please make sure you always use Insert > Insert Code (in the rich-formatting view) to avoid this problem.

    Also, please tell us where the error is thrown from. It's a critical piece of information.

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