i have to translate a vertical solution based on dynamics nav 2016 from English to french.
i have to translate menu and all messages there is a tool or anathor solution to do that?
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if I give you the exported translation file some one can translate it I French for me?
Did you have a look here already https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/nav/2015/02/12/announcing-the-microsoft-dynamics-erp-translation-solution/? I did provide you this link right away.
Ok i select all and i will export file and do the same select * and import.
and how can i trasnlate my file (automatically) from english to french ?
[quote user="zerocool071"]
If I understood correctly i have to translate this file? and import it on the same menu?
Be aware that when importing you need to select the objects into which you want to import the translated string. If only one object is selected only the translation for that object will be imported.
I am lost
I find a lot of tools officel and other but no complete howto from A to Z!
i have a vertical solution an NAV 2016 (English) i have to translate it to french.
i can export a file on the menu tool --> translate --> export but this file is contaning lot of things like ( R90105-D4-S13-P18518-X2-L132:CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(VATAmountLine.COUNT <= 1);)
If I understood correctly i have to translate this file? and impot it on the same menu?
Thank you Luc for sharing this link .It is more than helpful
Hi Maneesha, probably I miss something, but what does your post have to do with the issue? zerocool071 is asking how to perform a translation.
And zerocool071, I did provide a link. There is nothing to download. What do you expect to download?
can you go for the localization >?
Hi thank you for your feed back plz can you give me the link to download it?
Have a look here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/nav/2015/02/12/announcing-the-microsoft-dynamics-erp-translation-solution/
Have been doing quite some translations in the past, but already some time ago. Googling I came across this post. Going to try it myself.
Within 20 minutes did get the translation returned. Not a perfect result, but a good start. Will have to "play" somewhat more with it.
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