RE: Created Guide are not shown in the HoloLens Application
Funa, Igor, Julia, Paulo, LuanYou, CuraTex - we found a possible reason for this issue.
For all timezones that are UTC+ (east of London time), the HL app is likely not able to process the date on list of guides returned from CDS. This causes the guides list to not load in the view.
We are currently testing this fix and will release a patch to the Microsoft Store once we confirm the issue. In the meantime however, could you please try the following:
1. Close the Guides app if you already have it open. To be sure that no other sessions are open, you can restart the HoloLens or delete all holograms.
2. Change your device timezone to any city with time zone UTC -x
3. Start the Guides app and sign-in as usual.
You should be able to use the Guides app normally, as the time zone change will not affect the list or its contents in any way. You can restore back to your timezone once our patch is released.
Please let me know if this works out or not. Thank you for your patience.