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Adding Fields in Edit in Excel

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I'm seeing either poorly written articles or poorly communicated discussions on how to add unavailable fields to Edit in Excel.

For example, the Fixed Asset G/L Journals window does not export all dimension columns by default. 

I know about clicking "Design" in Edit in Excel to add fields.

But, if I click "Update", a message comes up saying that doing so may end the world as we know it.

Would someone please provide a link to a good and up to date document on how to edit what is in Edit in Excel and how to do so safely?



  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,802 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Adding Fields in Edit in Excel

    Hi, As far as I know, Microsoft's documentation for Edit In Excel only has the following. There are other documentation for settings and permissions.

    But I personally think that Edit In Excel is just an auxiliary means. Generally, users will choose to modify and input on the page. If a large number of rows need to be inserted, it will be much more convenient to use the Configuration Package.

    Sorry this may not solve your problem. But hope to give you some hints.

    PS: For information related to the customization of Edit In Excel, see the link below.



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