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HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

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Hello All,

I want to customize the SSRS Cost estimates and costings (SSRSRepots\ProdCalcTrans , Visual Studio Projects\ProdCalcTransReport)

Since I dont want to mess the original ( probably will happen :D) I just want to duplicate the whole thing so i can modify even the Query without messing anything on the original.

you guys probably made it many times but I havent find the way. 

thanks a lot for your time 

  • CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    I have created a new thread for the last question, please give me a hand with this one:

    your help greatly appreciated

  • CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    The report has a tablix group by ProdId. each Prodid has a page break. So each header should display the SalesName that is related to the current prodId.

    This simple copy is working: =ReportItems!ProdId.Value

    But I want sothing like =First(Fields!SalesName.Value, "ProdCalcTransDS_Sales" ***where*** ReportItems!ProdId.Value)  

    or ***where** Parameters!ProdCalcTransDS_Sales_DynamicParameter.***ProdId***.Value

  • Jay Barot Profile Picture
    Jay Barot 1,502 on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    Hi Nestor,

    Please mark the answer as verified which is related to this thread and helpful to you in resolving your query. It will helpful to other community members.

  • Blue Wang Profile Picture
    Blue Wang on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    Hi Nestor C.

    Like your screenshot, it can be used outside. By selecting the dataset to select the field, different from the setting method above, they can all get the value.

    If you have a different problem with this thread, obviously the new thread will bring in more people to join.

    Many thanks.

  • CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    Yes got it , thank you :).

    just one thing - last I promise (: - , Is it possible to attach the datasource outside of the tablix. I want to have the Customer Name from the sales Table (field already in the datasource) of course this is related to the specific production. I know is outside from the group. what would be the logic for that?, I know this is a little away form the scoup of this thread just let me know if I should create a new thread.


  • Suggested answer
    Jay Barot Profile Picture
    Jay Barot 1,502 on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    Hi Nestor,

    Please open your report design and check tablix properties.  You will find property called "DataSetName". You can select any dataset which you have added/created in your SSRS report.

  • Verified answer
    Blue Wang Profile Picture
    Blue Wang on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    HI  Nestor C,

    I see that your new data set parameters have been displayed in the list, so do you specify the data set for your table or tablix?

    Right click on it and open the properties dialog, modify your data set to point to DS_sales, and then use the expression again.


  • CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    Update: Fixed, clcik on Tablix -> properties -> datasource and Select desired

    Hi Blue,

    Thanks for replay. I have also made a copy of the report design for customization and I have added a new datasource ( which slightly different query from the original datasource) and I dont find where to link the new datasource to this new copy of the report design, it is still stuck to the original datasource (ProdCalcTransDS)


  • Blue Wang Profile Picture
    Blue Wang on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    As link mentioned, you need to set dataset report parameters to new parameters in properties by manually .

  • Suggested answer
    CBNestor Profile Picture
    CBNestor 44 on at
    RE: HOWTO duplicate SSRS reports and/or Visual Studio Projects for Customizations Ax 2012

    I have followed the steps from thig blog

    It work well for what I needed. Just that when assigning the query and parameter has to be done all manually (selecting the fields and data methods).

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