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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

MR 2012 CU16.013 suddenly failing to generate any report (Unknown Error has occurred )

Posted on by 28,019 Moderator
I could only find one past similar error report, but it was in the AX forum and the answer has never been accepted as a resolution, and honestly it is completely unrelated to my case.
Client was able until last Thursday to generate reports in MR Designer without problems (other than usual warnings). Today any report they try to generate fails..  The message is always the same message, no matter the report or definitions. 
Further detailed analysis of the Windows Event logs (as suggested by the error) turned out that it's always the same error that comes back: 
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/assembly/class=m>>class=tx>Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.DataProvider.Core, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/errorMessage/class=m>>The source system request did not complete
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/time/>class=tx>1/17/2024</class=t>Data>
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/exceptionMessage/class=m>>This item would create a duplicate of an item
that already exists in the collection. //r/ Property: Name //r/ Value: /ACTUAL/
//r/ Each object must have a unique value for this property. Parameter name:
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/exceptionSource/class=m>>class=tx>Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.DataProvider.GeneralLedgerclass=m></Data>
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/exceptionType/class=m>>System.ArgumentExceptionclass=m></Data>
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/stackTrace/class=m>>at
index, GLScenario item) at
request) at
request) at
provider, TRequest request) at
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/appDomainId/class=m>>6</class=t>Data>
  class=m><Data Nameclass=m>=/buildVersion/class=m>>2.12.16013.0class=m></Data>
I I found out by running a SQL Trace that some MR tables were fed with INSERTS during a report generation (which makes sense) and even after  a full restore of a previous week's backup, the problem is still there.. I had hope that it was some data corruption that would cause this, but apparently not.
Anyone has a suggestion ? could it be the underlying GP data that has changed ?  I noticed that 2 out of 3 company GL master tables have discrepancies between the GL00100 and GL00105 (more rows in GL00105). I need to rebuild GL00105, but this is only possible when no users are in GP
TPS: the used connector is LEGACY, so there is no DataMart to be rebuilt in case someone was thinking about that.. 
Beat (aka GP Geek)
  • Verified answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,019 Moderator on at
    MR 2012 CU16.013 suddenly failing to generate any report (Unknown Error has occurred )
    Thanks for the suggestion Judy, but that won't be necessary.. 
    I finally identified the root cause of the problem.. It's the word "ACTUAL" in the error message that made me tick and run a search across the company Database. Since after a full restore of a previous week's back of MR2012 the issue still persisted, I knew the issue was coming from GP, not MR. 
    I found out that someone had recently imported a new Budget in GP from Excel, and as it turned out, named the BUDGET ID "ACTUAL" which was likely a very bad idea, since ACTUAL is a reserved word in the column / row definitions in MR Designer.. 
    I went into the GL00200 and XLFileIn tables and renamed the Budget ID to something else.. Since it was a consolidated multi-company report, I made sure none of the other companies had a similar Budget ID issue. Turns out that a 2nd company had also recently received a new budget called ACTUALS (with an S), which apparently doesn't cause any problems to MR, but I still recommended the client they use some other wording for their Budgets. 
    I'd have liked someone from the Microsoft MR Team to confirm whether this is a known bug or the first time this comes up.. 
    Thanks and have a great day.
    GP Geek Inc. 
  • Judy Profile Picture
    Judy Microsoft Employee on at
    MR 2012 CU16.013 suddenly failing to generate any report (Unknown Error has occurred )
    It is recommended that you submit a SR to Microsoft for further invesihagtion.
    Best Regards,

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