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Time interval on interactive dashboard not always helpfull

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The time interval on an interactive dashboard in Dynamics 365 CE is not always helpfull. Specially for customer service, on a het interval, the dashboard is empty and cases are not visible on the dashboard. For example when the interval is set to current year and it is January first, the dashboard is empty and not all cases are resolved.

Is it possible to set the interval to the last x months, or current and last quarter?

  • Suggested answer
    Mohsin Ali Profile Picture
    Mohsin Ali 3,614 on at
    RE: Time interval on interactive dashboard not always helpfull

    Actually, one chart can be attached to one view only. So you cannot add/remove the filter on the go.

    As a work around, what you can do is create another view and its corresponding chart. And show the same onto dashboard.

  • GuusKuijpers Profile Picture
    GuusKuijpers 5 on at
    RE: Time interval on interactive dashboard not always helpfull

    Thank you for yoer answer, but is it also possible to delete the date filtering on the dashboard?

    For example, I would like to see all open incidents. This dashboartd will be empty at the start of a new quarter. This way older incidents will be forgotten to solve.

    Is that possible?

  • Mohsin Ali Profile Picture
    Mohsin Ali 3,614 on at
    RE: Time interval on interactive dashboard not always helpfull

    Yes. you can add filter into view that you are using into interactive dashboard. For example, if you want to see active cases created in last three months. Then follow below steps.

    Advanced Settings > Customizations > Customize the system 

    Then under entities, expand Case entity. and click on view. Then double click on your view for example in my case, I want to add filter on Active Cases.


    Click on Edit filter criteria.


    Then apply below filter.


    Click ok then save and close the view window and publish the entity. Then go back to your dashboard and refresh to make sure your filter is applied.

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