Having an issue with GP today. It seems that a user had went to post a batch last night and it stalled out. So she had to go in and do a Batch Recovery. The batch was then available and she said she was able to post it. Today another user was trying to access a document in Sales Transaction Entry and she was receiving an error message that the document already existed. We went into Sales Inquiry-Transaction by Document to view the detail on this document, and are getting an error message "This document has been removed from Sales Order Processing" .
Not sure what is going on? I've done some searching and someone suggested the description needed to match the invoice number , which it does.
I tried running a Sales reconcile using both options to reconcile and remove completed documents - This turned up no results.
The document is in SOP10100 and SOP10200. No records in SOP30200 or SOP30200.
Any ideas what to check next? Still learning GP (Took over for a colleague who left the company), so I'm sure there is something I'm missing!
Any help is MUCH appreciated!