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Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

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Hi All,

I have 5 legal entities including Japan legal entity. We having AXDEV and AXDev_Model file. 

Is it possibility to take(  backup or restore ) db or model based on legal entity wise?

Because sometime they restored db and model from PROD to DEV so, it will removed all the customizations which is recently added in Japan legal entity. 

So, customer wants not to DISTRUBED JAPAN Legal entity of any customizations even after restored db and model.

Is it possible?

Please give me more shed on this 


  • Suggested answer
    Jay Barot Profile Picture
    Jay Barot 1,502 on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Exactly Andre. It's not required to restore db backup in dev environment at this frequency. And if it required to testing then you can have one environment for UAT only.

    @rp@n, I hope you may get the satisfied answers on this query.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,996 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Hi Arpan,

    An alternative, better way to separate development tasks and data restoration in a separate environment is provided above. Updating the data every week is too much or there are that many issues which needs investigation in a separate environment. There is really no need in a normal development environment to have the data refreshed every week.

    I think the customer should change the mindset and you can help this customer setting up a correct DTAP strategy.

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Also it's good to understand that the code is always shared in the whole system. Legal entities can't have different code. You have a system, containing MS code and your customizations. Then you set up data, such as legal entities in that system. But all legal entities reside in the same system and have the same codebase.

    So, your question about copying code of one legal entity doesn't make sense.

  • Suggested answer
    Jay Barot Profile Picture
    Jay Barot 1,502 on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise


    I don't think so there is any company specific backup feature is available. But as I suggested you can have 3 environment so your Dev environment will not get affected.

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    The purpose is to do that because we all dont wants to distrubed any code or data for japan legal entity. If they restored db or model store.

    That's why ivan so worried,  how to prevent them?

  • Jay Barot Profile Picture
    Jay Barot 1,502 on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Hi @rp@n,

    Can you do I as suggested to you. It will not solve your purpose? Or why customer is want like that.

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Not daily, its happening weekly

  • Suggested answer
    Jay Barot Profile Picture
    Jay Barot 1,502 on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Hi @rp@n,

    It's not possible to take backup for specific legal entity. But you can do following:

    1) create or maintain 3 different environments - Production, Dev and UAT

    2) whenever you want to restore db + model deploy it to UAT environment. So your dev environment not get any impact of this.

    3) Whatever you do any customisation or development, move it to UAT. And after testing move it to Production. So your UAT will be always replica of production.

    Also please let me you are daily restoring db+model to dev environment?

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Hi Andre,

    Any other ways?. We need to give solutions to customer .

  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,996 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Backup or restore ( db and model ) based on legal entity wise

    Hi @rp@n,

    This is not possible. You can only create and restore a full database including all companies and partitions.

    Why do you want to have production data in a development environment? A separate test environment should be better to update periodically with the data.

    Usually from a dev environment the customizations will be moved to a test by either a model or model store. If you then ensure that the deployment to the production environment will be done using a model store, you can easily move data from prod to the test without the model database as the element IDs are in sync using this approach.

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