Hello Finance community readers,
I have a PurchTable.WWIExtension where I have added a field from an added data source. The field is WWINamedPlace, and it is contained in the PurchPurchaseOrderHeader.WWIExtension. So I've added PurchPurchaseOrderHeader as a data source in PurchTable.WWIExtension.
I want to move the PurchPurchaseOrderHeader_WWINamedPlace into the Delivery (Group) in the same Tab. Right now it is in the tab, but it's just the last item in the tab, and not in the right group.
Visually that looks like this in Visual studio, and my interface:
In related posts I think the answer is to use more construction (not the right word) elements in the right hand pane of my form designer. But I haven't come across a good MS Support page or MS Learn or other community post about it so far.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank-you for reading my post.