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ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List

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Hi everyone

I am new to EU Tax and am hoping for some help.

I tried to run the Report for EU Sales List and the system told me I needed to do the ICP Declaration however when I run the ICP Declaration I get these errors:

  1. Check EU sales listCountry/region is not specified.
  2. The VAT registration number does not contain a capital B.
  3. The length of the VAT number is incorrect.
  4. The VAT registration number does not contain a capital B.
  5. The length of the VAT number is incorrect.

The legal entity is Netherlands and the transactions are France. Both are in the Foreign Trade Parameters Countries/Regions list

Where are the VAT numbers found in F&O?

Also, do you need to do the ICP Declaration if you are just running the report and not submitting electronically?

Any assistance on this would be great.


  • Suggested answer
    ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List
    I faced the same issue recently in version 10.0.34. This is because of the feature "Determine country/region properties based on country/region and state pair".
    It is used for the United Kingdom legal entities. I disabled the feature and the error disappeared.
    Electronic tax declaration parameters look like this:
  • GF Profile Picture
    GF 2 on at
    ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List
    Hi Yepitsme,
    Maybe you can try to fill in the "Contact ID" with the VAT number of the legal entity. I had the same error message and when I fill in the "Contact ID" I didn't get the error message.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,979 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List

    Maybe you can ask a developer to debug this situation. Then you would exactly know from where the tax exempt number is taken and what causes the error message to be raised.

  • Yepitsme Profile Picture
    Yepitsme 104 on at
    RE: ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List

    Just tried that (on the legal entity) but it did not change the number when I ran the ICP Declaration and the error messages are the same.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,979 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List

    Hi Yepitsme,

    You can try to remove the 'NL' prefix from the Tax exempt number field. It has been a while ago since I used this feature. I can recall that we struggled to have the 'NL' part included or excluded.

  • Yepitsme Profile Picture
    Yepitsme 104 on at
    RE: ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List

    Hi André

    Thanks for the response.

    On the Dutch company legal entity the Tax Registration Number looks correct with NL8########B01

    The Foreign Trade Parameters has NLD and FRA in the list


    The ICP Declaration gets the messages when being created and the tax exempt number populates with the same number on the legal entity.



    Both customers have a French tax exempt number FR0##########

    Is there a way to do the EU Sales List Report without running ICP Declaration for a Dutch company?

    Thanks for your help.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,979 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: ICP Declaration Netherlands Error and EU Sales List

    Hi Yepitsme,

    The Dutch VAT numbers do have this pattern: NL, 9 digits, the letter 'B' and 2 check digits. E.g. NL123456789B01

    You can fill the VAT number on the legal entity in the field Tax registration number. On customers and vendors it is the field Tax exempt number.

    Can you share a screenshot of the application including the error messages, then it would be probably clear where the application would miss the Country/region.

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