I have done an order using the ‘sell to’ which is the the End Customer and Bill to which is the re seller that we invoice him
Is there a way we can avoid some of these messages and automatic changes?
Even though it sounds like it’s going to overwrite everything it doesn’t but it did automatically change the salesperson code and the rep codes, probably
the rep Code is for the Sell to customer not the Bill to
how can we let the Rep code be the one related to the BILL to customer ?
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Sorry for the delay in responding, today has been very busy. The image that you sent, is this for a "Reseller" or "End User Customer"? If it is a "Reseller", the configuration is correct. If it is an "End User Customer" then populate the "Bill To Customer" with the appropriate "Reseller" account number. Now the AP will be on the correct customer. Of course, please use your test instance first. Run some reports and make sure you are happy with the outcome. I suggest exporting a RapidStart Configuration package, make you changes, then import the same. NAV likes data changes done with native tools. I hope this gives you direction.
Thanks a lot for your feedback , and keep remember the issue
use the "Sell To" as the End Customer/User and the "Bill To" as the Reseller/3rd Party, will this always be the case?
yes this is will be always the case
You can enter the "Bill To" on the customer card and all Sales Invoices will go to the "Bill To"'s AR. There will be no message
this was the setup from the beginning as below screen shot , but the issue is the same
Remember what the functionality is supposed to do. The Parent / Child relationship here is to have everything involved with the sale to stay under the "Sell To" customer but the AR to be under the "Bill To" customer. In your scenario, you want use the "Sell To" as the End Customer/User and the "Bill To" as the Reseller/3rd Party, will this always be the case? You can enter the "Bill To" on the customer card and all Sales Invoices will go to the "Bill To"'s AR. There will be no message. If you say that sometimes Sales Invoices go to the End Customer and sometimes it goes to the Reseller, then I would look at using the "Ship To" addresses instead. It will keep the AR cleaner for both the End Customer and Reseller. As far as the "Rep Code" is concerned, that information is on the header level and is not changed. Feel free to message me if you need more clarification.
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