RE: Guide for spatially extended production lines
Hi MaxWinkel,
>> How far can you move away from the qr-code until it loses conection?
Per Nya's response, ideal scanning range is 50 to 150cm (described here). Beyond that, the HoloLens will have difficulty detecting the QR code.
>> Is it possible to add more qr-Codes to one guide or to "rescan" it?
You can create a link to a specific step in a guide. In the outline view, right-click the step and select Copy link to this step.

And then per the instructions here, you can create a QR code that links to that step.
>> Or it is possible to automatically start another guide after one guide ist finished (one guide per machine for instance)?
>> Is there another way to realize guides where the User is moving around?
No, but these are great ideas to submit to so we can track interest.