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Error while deserializing contract class

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While passing JSON from Postman hitting this,

"Message""An exception occured when deserializing the request - Exception occurred when parsing and deserializing parameter 'WLKCustomerReceiptStageList' - 'Error while deserializing contract class'",
My Contract is
class WLKCustomerReceiptStageConract

    AccountNum              customerCode;
    LedgerJournalTransTxt   description;
    Amount                  receiptAmount;
    CurrencyCode            currency;
    ExchRate                exchangeRate;
    InvoiceId               invoiceNo;
    PaymMode                methodOFPayment,collectionCenter;
    TransDate               transDate,chequeDate; 
    WLKCustReceiptLocation  location;
    WLKIntegrationStatus    status;
    Notes                   log;
    PaymReference           paymReference; 
    PaymId                  bankName; 
    BankCentralBankPurposeCode  bankCode; 
    Voucher                 voucher; 
    public BankCentralBankPurposeCode parmBankCode(BankCentralBankPurposeCode _BankCode = bankCode)
        bankCode = _bankCode;
        return bankCode;

    public PaymId parmBankName(PaymId _bankName = bankName)
        bankName = _bankName;
        return bankName;

    public TransDate parmChequeDate(TransDate _chequeDate = chequeDate)
        chequeDate = _chequeDate;
        return chequeDate;

    public PaymMode parmCollectionCenter(PaymMode _collectionCenter = collectionCenter)
        collectionCenter = _collectionCenter;
        return collectionCenter;

    public CurrencyCode parmCurrency(CurrencyCode _currency = currency)
        currency = _currency;
        return currency;

    public AccountNum parmCustomerCode(AccountNum _customerCode = customerCode)
        customerCode = _customerCode;
        return customerCode;

    public LedgerJournalTransTxt parmDescription(LedgerJournalTransTxt _description = description)
        description = _description;
        return description;

    public Exchrate parmExchangeRate(Exchrate _exchangeRate = exchangeRate)
        exchangeRate = _exchangeRate;
        return exchangeRate;

    public InvoiceId parmInvoiceNo(InvoiceId _invoiceNo = invoiceNo)
        invoiceNo = _invoiceNo;
        return invoiceNo;

    public WLKCustReceiptLocation parmLocation(WLKCustReceiptLocation _location = location)
        location = _location;
        return location;

    public Notes parmLog(Notes _log = log)
        log = _log;
        return log;

    public PaymMode parmMethodOfPayment(PaymMode _methodOfPayment = methodOfPayment)
        methodOfPayment = _methodOfPayment;
        return methodOfPayment;

    public PaymReference parmPaymReference(PaymReference _paymReference = paymReference)
        paymReference = _paymReference;
        return paymReference;

    public Amount parmReceiptAmount(Amount _receiptAmount = receiptAmount)
        receiptAmount = _receiptAmount;
        return receiptAmount;

    public WLKIntegrationStatus parmStatus(WLKIntegrationStatus _status = status)
        status = _status;
        return status;

    public TransDate parmTransDate(TransDate _transDate = transDate)
        transDate = _transDate;
        return transDate;

    public Voucher parmVoucher(Voucher _voucher = voucher)
        voucher = _voucher;
        return voucher;

 And my service class is 
         AifCollectionTypeAttribute("WLKCustomerReceiptStageList",Types::Class, classStr(WLKCustomerReceiptStageConract)),
        AifCollectionTypeAttribute("return",Types::Class, classStr(WLKCustomerReceiptStageConract))
    public List CreateCustomerReceipts(List WLKCustomerReceiptStageList)
        ListIterator    iterator;
        ListEnumerator  enumerator;
        ListIterator    literator;
        WLKCustomerReceiptStageTable  wlkCustomerReceiptStageTable;
        wlkCustomerReceiptStageConract       wlkCustomerReceiptStageConract;
        autoPostJournal = true;
        enumerator = WLKCustomerReceiptStageList.getEnumerator();
                wlkCustomerReceiptStageConract  = enumerator.current();
                if (wlkCustomerReceiptStageConract != null)
                    wlkCustomerReceiptStageTable = this.createCustomerReceiptStage(wlkCustomerReceiptStageConract);
         catch (Exception::Deadlock)
            if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
                throw Exception::Deadlock;
        catch (Exception::UpdateConflict)
            // try to resolve update conflict
            if (appl.ttsLevel() == 0)
                if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
                    throw Exception::UpdateConflictNotRecovered;
                throw Exception::UpdateConflict;
            // retry in case of an duplicate key conflict
            if (appl.ttsLevel() == 0)
                if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
                    throw Exception::DuplicateKeyExceptionNotRecovered;
                throw Exception::DuplicateKeyException;
        return WLKCustomerReceiptStageList;
my JSON is,
            "BankName":"Test BAnk",
            "Description":"Testing Invoice Payment Integration",
            "Location":"HOC1 Cash",
  • huijij Profile Picture
    huijij 19,811 on at
    RE: Error while deserializing contract class

    Hi Anoop B,

    If you have any other questions, please let us know.

  • Suggested answer
    huijij Profile Picture
    huijij 19,811 on at
    RE: Error while deserializing contract class

    Hi Anoop B,

    You must correctly specify the AifCollectionTypeAttribute attribute to use an X collection as a parameter to a service operation or as a return value. Please note the use of '' rather than "".

             AifCollectionTypeAttribute('WLKCustomerReceiptStageList',Types::Class, classStr(WLKCustomerReceiptStageConract)),
            AifCollectionTypeAttribute('return',Types::Class, classStr(WLKCustomerReceiptStageConract))

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