I am a data analyst for a mid-sized (400-500 employees) industrial services company.
I requested 20-30 MB of daily downloads from our IT team to be pulled from our corporate Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The download actually consists of 3 large queries (no joins -- about 7-9 MB each), and then 8-10 smaller queries (very small .5-1MB each). They don't need to be (and shouldn't be) run all at once. Further, each of the larger queries can be broken down further by pulling smaller chunks (by date created).
The VP of IT told my boss, a C-level team member, that that much data exported daily will cause our system to crash or at the very least, leave it vulnerable to failure. I already do the data pull manually on a daily basis, to which I am sure he is unawares, since I have heard nothing about a slowdown.
Keep in mind, these are just direct pulls from CRM, no joins, and very limited conditions.
I call BS-- what do you think? The total download can't be that much larger than an Excel spreadsheet or a 3-4 minute long song. My feeling is the VP of IT doesn't want to put in the work for our team, and is taking advantage of my bosses limited technical knowledge.
Any constructive responses are highly appreciated!